Donate | Help fund our training program | LoveWell – Lovewelluk

Your donations go a long way to help fight our cause

All donations are greatly received and go towards the funding of our Work Well training programme

"Making the candles has helped me grow in confidence. I realised that I do have skills. I’m feeling proud of my achievements."

— LoveWell Trainee

"I never looked at myself as having skills. For a long time I've been just functioning and I didn't realise I had a skillsetIt's done me the world of good. I loved the mindfulness bits and making the candles"

— LoveWell Trainee

"Its nice when you give someone something you've made and they love it and are surprised that I'made it, and that it's a massage candle. It made me feel good about myself"

— LoveWell Trainee

LoveWell Trainee

— Steve Jordans