Our mission | LoveWell – Lovewelluk

We are a team of women on mission to make real change.

LoveWell is a social enterprise supporting employing, and training women who have experienced significant trauma through trafficking and exploitation to grow in strength and confidence, so they can move into alternative employment.

It was set up to offer women the opportunity to build new skills through the manufacture of luxury natural skincare products. A well-being business with a difference!

Follow up support after the work-well programme

Following the training programme, each trainee is supported by a Lovewell mentor for at least 6 months, usually up to a year. This offers an extra safety net of support and adds longevity to their experience with LoveWell. 

Poverty and a lack of economic independence are the two causes that make women and children vulnerable to exploitation. We believe that by creating a place where women feel safe to recover and move forward that we can be part of ensuring these cycles of exploitation do not continue to occur. 

LoveWell’s mission is to break these cycles.


Our training programme makes a huge difference

Sales of our products help to fund our 6-month Work Well training programme, which encompasses skills development and work readiness training. Our programme is central to LoveWell’s purpose – to support women to grow in strength and confidence and take control of their lives.

We create products to uplift your senses and nourish your skin. Most of all however, we want the story behind our company to capture your imagination.

"Making the candles has helped me grow in confidence. I realised that I do have skills. I’m feeling proud of my achievements."

— LoveWell Trainee

"I never looked at myself as having skills. For a long time I've been just functioning and I didn't realise I had a skill set.It's done me the world of good. I loved the mindfulness bits and making the candles"

— LoveWell Trainee

"Its nice when you give someone something you've made and they love it and are surprised that I made it, and that it's a massage candle. It made me feel good about myself"

— LoveWell Trainee

"Doing the CV was good, I did it before when I was on probation but that was really to get off the order. Doing CV at Lovewell I realised that I had done lots of things and have skills For me that was a really nice feeling. I am learning not to doubt myself."

— LoveWell Trainee

Our products

We stock a range of scented massage and aromatherapy candles as well as bath salts and bath oils that we know you'll love. All purchases go towards funding our training programs.